
首頁 > 產(chǎn)品中心 > 美國HF scientific > Micro TOL系列濁度儀 > HF 50036美國HF在線濁度儀流通杯HF 50036

美國HF在線濁度儀流通杯HF 50036

簡要描述:美國HF在線濁度儀流通杯HF 50036
美國HF 在線濁度儀流通杯 HF 50036
20053MicroTOL 2 instrument, white light , 0 - 1000 NTU
20054MicroTOL 2 instrument, Infrared , 0 - 1000 NTU

  • 產(chǎn)品型號:HF 50036
  • 廠商性質(zhì):代理商
  • 更新時間:2016-10-18
  • 訪  問  量:2246
品牌HF Scientific/美國
20053MicroTOL 2 instrument, white light , 0 - 1000 NTU
20054MicroTOL 2 instrument, Infrared , 0 - 1000 NTU
20055MicroTOL 3 instrument, white light , 0 - 100 NTU, Autoclean
20056MicroTOL 3 instrument, Infrared , 0 - 100 NTU, Autoclean
20063MicroTOL 4 instrument, white light , 0 - 1000 NTU, Autoclean
20064MicroTOL 4 instrument, Infrared , 0 - 1000 NTU, Autoclean


02053Electronic service module MicroTOL 2 WL (also will retrofit to MicroTOL 1 WL)
02054Electronic service module MicroTOL 2 IR (also will retrofit to MicroTOL 1 IR)
02055Electronic service module MicroTOL 3 WL
02056Electronic service module MicroTOL 3 IR
02063Electronic service module MicroTOL 4 WL
02064Electronic service module MicroTOL 4 IR
19778Inline flow regulator (1L/min) Recommended for pressurized system
19787Converter RS-485 to USB. For use with HF Online Software
19945AFlow Alarm for MicroTOL (factory installed)
20106Stilling / Bubble Removing Chamber
2011124 volt Power Supply for MicroTOL (factory installed)
20779SPower Cord 120VAC
2081522 gauge RS-485 two wire twisted pair shielded communication cable (sold per foot)
21045AInductive Isolator Option for 4-20mA
21201Source/Drain Tubing - sold per foot
21201SSource/Drain Tubing - 50 foot roll
21396SLamp assembly for infrared models (80,000 hour life)
21555RReplacement Desiccant Pouch
24017SJunction Box Power Supply Assembly
24082SLamp assembly for white light models (80,000 hour life)
24165SFlow through assembly, nylon (does not include cuvette)
24166SUltrasonic cuvette assembly - MicroTOL 3 and 4
24306SInline pressure regulator
39824ProCal Primary Calibration Standard - 100 NTU
39825ProCal Primary Calibration Standard - 10 NTU
39953ProCal Calibration Kit .02,10, and 100NTU (for MicroTOL 3)
39957ProCal Primary Calibration Kit, Full Range, .02, 10, and 1000 NTU (for MicroTOL 2, 4 and Micro100) also for MicroTOL 1(discontinued)
50036Flow through cuvette - MicroTOL 2 (3 pack)
50040Formazin Stock Solution Kit - Primary Calibration - each kit contains: 32 onces of 4000 NTU Formazin, one gallon 0.02 NTU Reference Standard, four cuvettes with indexing light shields, three pipettes and instruction manual
50121Flow Through Assembly, high temperature, 0 - 90°C (32 - 194°F)
50125Flow through assembly (includes non ultrasonic cuvette)
70914Formazin Stock Solution - 4000 NTU in a 16 oz bottle
98877Demo Stand for MicroTO

美國HF 在線濁度儀 miocro TOL系列流通杯 50036



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